A Proposed Change In Regents’ Rules

A Proposed Change In Regents’ Rules


Leonard Zwelling

A reader made me aware of a proposed change to Regents’ Rules that essentially would allow the president of any UT institution “not to renew or reappoint a nontenured or term-tenure faculty member” and to do so without providing “a statement of the reasons for the nonrenewal decision.” I believe this grew out of realization by our Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick that classic tenure prevents such actions. He didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t fire a professor at UT when he found out the professor was teaching critical race theory, thus the new Regents’ Rules.

In essence peer-review, appeals processes, and shared governance have been summarily removed from the dismissal process. Thus, the president of any campus can end the career of any faculty member on a whim. The faculty member would have no recourse and no appeal.

Regardless of why this change has been proposed, it is likely that it will go through and likely to be used by the leadership of the medical and academic campuses to get rid of bothersome faculty. That could mean you!

As I understand what was sent to me, we are in a comment period until December 9. I suggest any comments be sent through your elected senators to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate who can convey them to the UT System.

Along with the Pisters-induced cult of secrecy and punishment for non-professional behavior, this is another tool for the leadership of the UT System components to autocratically terrorize the faculty and minimize shared governance.

The tradition of free speech in the university and the encouragement of a variety of views, outlooks, and behaviors is being slowly eroded by the Philistines of Austin in the state legislature and the UT System with the help of its allies in Houston.

Dr. Pisters could end the faculty’s appropriate anxiety by putting in place his own system of peer review and appeal that would govern such issues at MD Anderson. He does not have to accept this power given to him by the state. But if past behavior is any predictor of future decisions, I think Dr. Pisters will embrace his ability to send faculty packing as has already occurred in several instances since Pisters was installed.

I urge all faculty to work with their senators to convey comments on this proposal to Austin—as soon as possible. If this goes into effect, as I am certain it will, no one’s job is safe from the whims of the leaders. Would this only be true of the jobs of the leaders themselves. Then again, ask Drs. DePinho and Tereffe. Perhaps, it is.

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