Len Zwelling

EXTRA: My letter in today’s Wall St Journal re: op-ed published on June 29

Dr. Atlas advocates one solution to the lack of health care for many in the U.S.—increasing access to private health insurance. Exactly how does that improve things? All it does is increase the amount of money in the pockets of the insurers rather than paying doctors and other providers who actually deliver care. If we […]

EXTRA: My letter in today’s Wall St Journal re: op-ed published on June 29 Read More »


Inside Out By Leonard Zwelling          Karl Deisseroth is a young (43) MD, PhD psychiatrist who has utilized opsin genes to control the behavior of mice through neuronal stimulation using light. He flashes a light via an implanted light-conducting hose and the mice do what he wants them to. He’s a member of the National

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ObamaCare Preserved; Medicine Pickled; Democrats Gleeful; Republicans Relieved

ObamaCare Preserved; Medicine Pickled; Democrats Gleeful; Republicans Relieved By Leonard Zwelling          Exactly as predicted by your favorite blogger, the Supreme Court ruled 6 to 3 that Obama Care will stand. What they really said was that the federal exchanges established for the purchase of health insurance because many states would not establish their own

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Why the Gay Marriage Decision of the Supreme Court Matters Even More Than the One on Obamacare

Why the Gay Marriage Decision of the Supreme Court Matters Even More Than the One on Obamacare By Leonard Zwelling          To my kids, this is a non-issue.          For them, having friends who are gay has about the same novelty as having a black fraternity brother had to me.          In one sense when

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Sweet Cup: The Best Ice Cream in Houston

Quick announcement re: SCOTUS Decision on ACA I did 2 radio interviews Thursday, June 25. Here’s one: https://soundcloud.com/bryan-crabtree-highlights/dr-leonard-zwelling-4-viable-alternatives-to-obamacare Also: On Sunday, June 28 at 10 AM I will be interviewed with regard to ACA on KPRC Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall, NBC local affiliate in Houstaon, Channel 2.  Tune in if you can. Sweet Cup: The

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Quiet By Leonard Zwelling          The world is a noisy place and quiet is drastically underrated as a holy state.          First, it helps you sleep. I know when I am in Manhattan, even 50 floors above street level, it is never silent, and that’s not conducive to a good night’s sleep. I think that’s

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