Covid Sucks; mRNA Vaccines Are Miracles

Covid Sucks; mRNA Vaccines Are Miracles


Leonard Zwelling

I thought that after five vaccinations against Covid, including the new bivalent one, I would be protected from the disease. Wrong.

I was feeling pretty awful at the Kol Nidre service on the night of Yom Kippur, but I managed to soldier through. In bed that evening, I was a mess. I couldn’t get comfortable or breath easily. I knew it wasn’t Covid for I had tested myself earlier in the day and I was negative. BUT, the instructions are clear. One negative test means nothing. Then on the morning of Yom Kippur, I tested myself again. This time I was floridly positive. The red line for the test glowed red faster than the control line. I had Covid.

After two years or more of successfully avoiding the inevitable, I fell victim to the virus. And it felt it. I ached, and had a headache, and had no energy. It was the easiest Yom Kippur fast I ever had as I did not even want to eat managing some eggs and bread that evening to break the fast I was not really supposed to make. The next day, today, is a bit better. I was able to shower and shave and could sit up and read the newspaper, a great improvement from the day before.

I have no idea how long I will be sick. I certainly am out of commission for five days and that is only if I feel fine on Monday. (Update on Monday. So far, so good. The five days seems to be about right.)

The good news is that the vaccines have turned this infection into a flu-like illness. The bad news is that it is still a flu-like illness. You have to put your life on hold and be mindful of others not getting sick including my wife, who has tested negative, thus far. (News flash—two days later the BW came up positive and feeling ill. Make that seven days out of commission.)

Covid is not gone despite the openness with which we handle crowded situations. I have no idea where I picked this up. It could have been the restaurant we visited Saturday night. No matter. I’m sick and now believe all that I have read about this disease. It is indeed flu-like and the vaccines keep it that way. I am neither short of breath nor bed-ridden.

It is, however, to be avoided and wearing of masks in crowds still seems to me to be a reasonable idea. I still wear one in Central Market, but I obviously slipped somewhere and am paying the price.

This is a highly infectious disease that is likely to be with us in perpetuity. Annual vaccinations are likely to be recommended with each year’s mRNA sequence being guided by the latest strains emanating from below the equator. That, to an old doctor like me, is a miracle sentence to even be able to write.

Yes, it’s like the flu, but that doesn’t mean it is not to be considered seriously. Covid sucks and now I know first-hand. Avoid this if you can.

How? Get as many of the vaccinations for which you qualify including the new bivalent shot. Use a mask in crowds even if you are like us the only masked people among 35,000 at Minute Maid Park. Get your home kits and use them judiciously and follow the instructions.

One negative test does not mean you are out of the woods if you are symptomatic. Try and stay safe and be thankful you live in a world where scientists have figured out mRNA technology. I think the Nobel Committee missed the boat this year. Neanderthal DNA is important, but mRNA vaccines are miracles.

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