March 2020


There Will Be A Tomorrow. Research Must Be Part Of It. By Leonard Zwelling          It is my understanding that a single individual in one of the MD Anderson South Campus research buildings has tested positive for the coronavirus. Without letting the people in that building know and certainly without giving ample warning to the

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Real Data

Real Data By Leonard Zwelling          Courtesy of an avid blog reader:          The CDC has posted the following regarding the numbers surrounding influenza in the U.S. from October 1, 2019 through March 7, 2020 (160 days):          36-51 million cases: Mean=about 44 million cases or about 270,000 per day          370-000-670,000 hospitalizations: Mean=about 520,000

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After Corona

After The Coronavirus: Who’s Going To Get The Money? By Leonard Zwelling          This blog is in response to criticisms I have received regarding my willingness to accept the fact that the coronavirus threat is a major catastrophic pandemic. Some of my readers disagree and believe that this may be no worse than seasonal flu

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Old Lessons

Old Lessons, New Crisis: Trump’s Coronavirus Address And News Conference By Leonard Zwelling          It was almost 25 years ago now, on a Saturday, when then MD Anderson president John Mendelsohn, his wife Ann and I were given media training. The training by professionals in crisis management and communication was a prize won by Mrs.

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