Flynn Down Faster Than Chin

Flynn Down Faster Than Chin


Leonard Zwelling

It took until April of 2015 to finally remove Lynda Chin from the ranks of the MD Anderson faculty according to the above article in the Houston Chronicle. It took less than a year to take Michael Flynn from National Security Advisor to felon. Maybe the federal government works faster than the State of Texas government after all. So much for local control.

Although the Manafort and Gates pleas suggested that bigger shoes were going to fall, the fact that Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russians is simply another step in the inevitable push of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller to get to the President of the United States. And get there, he will.

Apparently Mr. Flynn consulted with someone at Mar-a-Lago before speaking to the Russians BEFORE Mr. Trump took the oath of office. I had suspected for months that the tepid response by the Russians to Mr. Obama’s harsh punishment expelling diplomats and closing safe houses (on December 29, 2016) due to Russian interference in our elections was due to promises made by the incoming administration to go easy on Russia once it took power. This is not legal. We have only one government communicating with foreign adversaries at a time according to the 1799 Logan Act. It is likely that this law was broken by Flynn and he probably did so in response to orders from inside the Trump team. Was it Jared Kushner? Perhaps. But you will never convince me that Mr. Trump was unaware of what the Boy Wonder Son-In-Law Extraordinaire was cooking up. Furthermore, it was clearly this that caused Mr. Trump to fire Mr. Comey. The former FBI Director was probably all over Flynn for what he had done by lying to him. Furthermore, Jeff Sessions recused himself from the whole fiasco. My guess is that they will all be found to have done wrong—except Comey.

For those old enough to remember Watergate, I think we just had our John Dean moment. “There’s a cancer on the presidency,” and Mr. Mueller like Archibald Cox before him will aim to cut it out.

I am actually very impressed by the speed with which Mr. Mueller is moving and if I were near to Mr. Trump in the pecking order, I would be running to cut a deal that excluded me from jail time. I think the generous deal Mr. Flynn got (he could have been prosecuted for not registering as a foreign agent in working for Turkey and in his plot to kidnap an enemy of that country’s president), he must know a lot. I think Mr. Kushner is toast and I think it is only a matter of time before the President of the United States (and possibly the Vice President as well) will be impeached for obstruction of justice. This would be especially true if this drags into 2018 and the Democrats gain control of the House. Just think, if the House impeaches the two of them and the Senate convicts them, Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House, could be the first woman president.

Don’t wake me up!

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