October 2016

EXTRA Dr. Kantarjian’s Op-Ed on the ACA and My Letter to the Editor in Response

EXTRA Dr. Kantarjian’s Op-Ed on the ACA and My Letter to the Editor in Response http://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/outlook/article/Kantarjian-ACA-isn-t-perfect-but-let-s-fix-it-9792117.php To the Editor: Regarding “The ACA’s future: Tweak it, or scrap it? (Page A17, Thursday), with all due respect to Dr. Hagop M. Kantarjian (“Point: Million now insured because of Obamacare; fix it, don’t kill it”), it will take …

EXTRA Dr. Kantarjian’s Op-Ed on the ACA and My Letter to the Editor in Response Read More »

Personalized Cancer Treatments and The Microbiome: If Tumor DNA Sequencing Could Only Solve The Problem, But It Can’t

Personalized Cancer Treatments and The Microbiome: If Tumor DNA Sequencing Could Only Solve The Problem, But It Can’t By Leonard Zwelling          I’m in the middle of a fascinating new book called I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. It’s about the microbiome, the planet’s worth of bacterial and viral species that live on and in …

Personalized Cancer Treatments and The Microbiome: If Tumor DNA Sequencing Could Only Solve The Problem, But It Can’t Read More »

The Taxes Matter; The Emails Matter; Your Vote Matters; and The VP Debate Matters (A Little)

The Taxes Matter; The Emails Matter; Your Vote Matters; and The VP Debate Matters (A Little) By Leonard Zwelling          While Donald Trump is making fun of Mrs. Clinton’s stamina and marriage, he ought to be doing a little damage control after the NY Times published three pages of his 1995 tax return that showed …

The Taxes Matter; The Emails Matter; Your Vote Matters; and The VP Debate Matters (A Little) Read More »

Why Does Executive Pay Go Up When Financial Performance Goes Down?

Why Does Executive Pay Go Up When Financial Performance Goes Down? By Leonard Zwelling       As many readers know, I am a member of the Physicians for a National Health Program, PNHP. PNHP is the organization for the single payer docs. To make a long story short, we basically believe that if a single payer, …

Why Does Executive Pay Go Up When Financial Performance Goes Down? Read More »