June 2016

Over Reach

Over Reach By Leonard Zwelling          At first blush, the decisions handed down by the Supreme Court today, June 27, couldn’t appear more different.          In one, the Court, by a 5 to 3 margin, overturned the Texas law that was purported to protect women’s health, but, in fact, restricted access to abortion and caused […]

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“We Have No Choice”

“We Have No Choice” By Leonard Zwelling http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/06/27/trumps-response-to-orlando          In her piece about Donald Trump’s reaction to the Orlando nightclub shootings, Amy Davidson discusses the presumptive GOP nominee’s repeated use of this phrase to justify some outlandish proposal he is making. Whether it is the Wall between us and Mexico, the religious test for entry

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Brexit, Trump, Bernie and the Sit-In

Brexit, Trump, Bernie and the Sit-In By Leonard Zwelling          These are all symptoms.          What’s the disease?          One does not need to hold a clinical-pathologic conference to determine what ails the body politic in the United Kingdom and in the United States. It’s disgust.          Yesterday, June 22, the Democratic members of the

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Is Trump Hitler? No. But the GOP Establishment Members Are His Enablers

Is Trump Hitler? No. But the GOP Establishment Members Are His Enablers By Leonard Zwelling http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/11/politics/meg-whitman-donald-trump-hitler-mussolini-hewlett-packard/index.html          There is a lot of loose talk around Donald Trump. Of course, he is the master of loose talk, so perhaps this is no surprise. The most concerning meme is that Trump is really Hitler and will turn

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Guns; Again

Guns; Again By Leonard Zwelling          Again.          The country endures another mass shooting. There will be no trial. The gunman is dead. The scenario that played out from Columbine to Sandy Hook has taken center stage in our national conscience—for about five minutes. Americans refuse to stay on task when it comes to gun

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What Did The Clinical Leadership Say? A Translation

What Did The Clinical Leadership Say? A Translation By Leonard Zwelling Here’s the email that was sent from the Division Heads and assorted others on June 10: Dear Faculty Members, MD Anderson Cancer Center provides a unique environment for our faculty members due to our multidisciplinary approach to eliminating cancer; our academic mission has been

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