February 2016

The Man in the KKK T-Shirt and the Yellow Star

The Man in the KKK T-Shirt and the Yellow Star By Leonard Zwelling http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/02/27/donald-trump-protester-kkk-shirt.cnn          If you want to see what the country will be like should Donald Trump become President, look no further than this video clip from CNN.          A young man showed up at a Trump rally standing near the podium wearing […]

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EXTRA: How? By Leonard Zwelling          If the GOP debate on February 25 at the University of Houston taught us anything, it displayed the foolishness of Donald Trump. When he and Marco Rubio got into a punching match about health care reform, Marco kept asking about Donald’s “policies” to replace ObamaCare and Donald kept talking

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Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism: Research Misconduct Right Here in Bayou City?

Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism: Research Misconduct Right Here in Bayou City? (New Link on bottom re: MD Anderson) By Leonard Zwelling          The journal Biochemical Pharmacology has retracted 7 papers by MD Anderson investigator Bart Aggarwal: http://retractionwatch.com/2016/02/22/journal-retracts-7-papers-by-md-anderson-researcher-long-under-investigation/          This story of allegations of research misconduct has been around for quite a while now and perhaps

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Magic Sells: Donald, Bernie and Ron (They Are Not Abraham, Martin and John)

Magic Sells: Donald, Bernie and Ron (They Are Not Abraham, Martin and John) By Leonard Zwelling https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/sanders-and-trump-magic-sells/2016/02/11/bc5e4df6-d0e8-11e5-b2bc-988409ee911b_story.html          In a particularly insightful op-ed in The Washington Post (sent to me by a blog reader, thank you), conservative paragon Charles Krauthammer makes the point that along with popularism, there is a certain strain of anti-Obamaism to BOTH The

Magic Sells: Donald, Bernie and Ron (They Are Not Abraham, Martin and John) Read More »

EXTRA: Where Can Bernie Win? Where Can The Donald Lose? Nevada, South Carolina and Beyond

EXTRA: Where Can Bernie Win? Where Can The Donald Lose? Nevada, South Carolina and Beyond By Leonard Zwelling          The results from Nevada were in early and Hillary Clinton significantly beat Bernie Sanders 52 to 48%. What this means is that in a fairly good-sized state of real diversity, Senator Sanders, despite his clear message

EXTRA: Where Can Bernie Win? Where Can The Donald Lose? Nevada, South Carolina and Beyond Read More »

The American Prosperity Gospel And Its Relationship To The Cancer Community

The American Prosperity Gospel And Its Relationship To The Cancer Community By Leonard Zwelling http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/14/opinion/sunday/death-the-prosperity-gospel-and-me.html?_r=0          This is one of the most gripping and informative op-eds I have ever read (Sunday, February 14, NY Times). It tells two stories. The first is about mortality and the fact that a 35-year old assistant professor of history

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Solving the Supreme Court Quandary: Appoint Biden

Solving the Supreme Court Quandary: Appoint Biden By Leonard Zwelling          Antonin Scalia has died. Thus there is in fact a “balance” on the Supreme Court—4 Democratic appointments (Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan) and 4 Republicans (Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Kennedy). If a decision is made by the Court under such circumstances and the vote is 4

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The Many Faces of Joy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Bernie, Donald and Leon

The Many Faces of Joy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Bernie, Donald and Leon By Leonard Zwelling          The pundits are really struggling trying to explain the results of the New Hampshire primary and in fact the entire course of the Presidential campaign to date. I am not sure that it is all

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New Hampshire EXTRA: Why The Donald and The Bern? In the Rest, No Trust

New Hampshire EXTRA: Why The Donald and The Bern? In the Rest, No Trust By Leonard Zwelling          How does a thinking follower of American politics reconcile the fact that Donald Trump, a man who has never held office and is famous for being a reality star and a rich person, and Bernie Sanders, a

New Hampshire EXTRA: Why The Donald and The Bern? In the Rest, No Trust Read More »