June 9, 2013

Here is something old and something new that should remind you of where we have come from to get where we are and who those in charge would like to take with us into the future. The UAE is the home of the Zayeds, the source of the money for the new building. Sounds consistent […]

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This email was sent in Sunday morning and is reprinted anonymously with the permission of the sender. Thank you and all of you who have contacted me and are encouraging me to keep writing. I am surely going to try. As of now the blog has had over 37,000 page views. Now if I only

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A guest blog for your Sunday afternoon or Monday morning pleasure. Thank you HPF! Great to Good By HPF In the book “Good to Great” Jim Collins and his team of economists developed methods to determine how institutions transition from mediocrity to greatness. According to their data there is one essential element for any great

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The Mourning After By  Leonard Zwelling             It’s beginning to feel like Armageddon for surely this must be the end of life as we know it at MD Anderson.             The large salaries and furniture budgets in IACS clearly indicate that there is no longer one kind of MD Anderson employee and/or faculty member. There

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