Len Zwelling

The Microbiome: Another Reason That the Moon Shots May Miss      May 20, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             Michael Pollan published a fascinating article in the NY Times Magazine on Sunday, May 19 (link below). All cancer care personnel should read it for it describes the actual world in which we live, not the one imagined …

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Gimme Shelter                May 18, 2013 By  Leonard Zwelling             Rock and roll is lots of things. But more than anything else it is supposed to be sexy, dangerous and loud. In the opinion of more than a few rock critics, this song by the Rolling Stones, the first …

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Steel, Part 2 (Improving Our Footing? How About Our Feet?)     May 17, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             I have tried to outline why our core business, patient care, is very much like the steel business with huge fixed costs and the need for major investment if business needs to grow. The major investments …

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Steel: Part 1 (The Business We Are In)             May 16, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             The President sent out an email that should send a chill down the spine of every faculty member. In essence it says we are losing money from operations, have stayed in the black due to the performance of our …

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In Jeopardy The Answers Come Before the Questions. Are We in Jeopardy?   May 15, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling On Monday afternoon, May 13, Dr. DePinho sent an email to the institution commenting on the story in Sunday’s Houston Chronicle.             To summarize: 1.     Dr. DePinho went “above and beyond” what was required of him as …

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Trust    May 15, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             What time is it kids?             It must be 1973. Congress cannot get to the bottom of a foreign policy disaster in which Americans died. The IRS is penalizing political enemies of the current administration. The phone lines of reporters are being tapped by the federal …

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Don’t Be a Bork                    May 12, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             In the fall of 1973, President Richard Nixon no longer wished to deal with the Special Prosecutor he had appointed in May. That man was Archibald Cox, an above reproach Harvard law professor looking into allegations of wrong doing that had surfaced following …

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This Time It Was Avoidable      May 11, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             In the coming days it is likely that MD Anderson faculty and employees will, once again, be explaining to friends and family why the private business activities of the institution’s president are coming under public scrutiny. This follows previous questions being raised about …

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A Fatal Lack of Transparency                     May 9, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             Along with assorted stories describing how neighbors in a Cleveland suburb did not detect the presence of kidnapped women in an old house for ten years and a guilty verdict for some sort of murderer in Arizona (I haven’t followed that one closely …

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