Len Zwelling

EXTRA: If Not Checkmating the President, At Least Checking Him

If Not Checkmating the President, At Least Checking Him By Leonard Zwelling          On April 14, the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations voted 19-0 in a strikingly bipartisan fashion to insinuate itself on the deal that President Obama is trying to forge with the Iranian mullahs. Forgetting for a moment, whether the framework devised

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A Helluva Hill

A Helluva Hill By Leonard Zwelling          In the least startling revelation since Barack Obama announced his run for a second term, Hillary Clinton has finally announced what everyone expected. She’s running for President.          Putatively, this will be a kinder, gentler Hillary with less fire in her eyes, more one-on-one handshakes, and an approachfulness

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Can We Talk?

Can We Talk? By Leonard Zwelling          For a bunch of people who pride themselves in honesty and the use of data to make valid arguments, the faculty of MD Anderson, the staff of the Houston Chronicle, the UT System and most of Houston are acting like the solution to the MD Anderson problem is too

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“Strike Three-Yer’ Out”

“Strike Three-Yer’ Out” By Leonard Zwelling          This letter was printed in the Houston Chronicle this morning, Saturday, April 11: Mislabled group? Regarding “Hospital closer to union’s censure” (Page B1, Thursday), the American Association of University Professors is no more a “union” than are the American Medical Association, the American Bar Association and the American

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Sanctions By Leonard Zwelling          Let’s say that two powerful nations with significant military forces are at odds. The agonist country and antagonist country have done bad things to each other over the years. They share no common religion, language or value system, or at least those in power in the two nations do not.

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