Leonard Zwelling

Dr. Zwelling is a board-certified internist and medical oncologist. He was trained at Duke University, Duke Medical School and Duke Hospital after which he completed his oncology training at the National Cancer Institute. He started his research career at NCI and in 1984 moved to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center where he rose to the rank of Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology. He returned to business school at the University of Houston, graduating in 1993. He then gravitated to research administration.

The Whole Truth, The First Time                        April 15, 2013 (Don’t forget to mail your annual contribution to Medicare, Medicaid, the VA System, military health care and health care for Indians, government employees and members of Congress.  Due today! Almost 50% of health care costs in the country are paid for by you! Plus you …

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A Horrendous Story Largely Ignored By the American Press  April 12, 2013 Please read this from NY Times and know that several of us in the US have been trying to get this story out.  Finally… http://www.nytimes.com/pages/world/africa/index.html As you read consider the fact that Johns Hopkins, Children’s National Medical Center and MD Anderson have all …

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Don’t You Wish You Lived in the Real World?      April 10, 2013 Things are handled differently in the real world of corporate oversight boards. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/10/business/how-an-apple-star-lost-his-luster-at-penneys.html?hp&_r=0 Enjoy.

Star Stuff                                    April 9, 2013,             By Leonard Zwelling             Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the Director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York and a prominent astrophysicist. He was being interviewed on the Bob Edwards radio program on Tuesday, April 9. Toward the end of the hour, he was asked by Bob what …

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A Funny Thing Happened at the (Faculty) Forum                        April 5, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             In two words: No Surprises. Everyone played his or her part perfectly. Civility was maintained. The room was only about two-thirds full, but the crowd was attentive and polite. The only small moment of drama was when the issue …

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The Shrink Will See You Now                        April 4, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             Kim Ghatta was a State Department reporter during the four years that Hillary Clinton served this nation as that department’s Secretary. She has just written a new book called The Secretary about that experience. Ms. Ghatta was interviewed by Bob Edwards …

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Is the Coming Forum an Approaching Storm or Another Sun Shower?            April 1, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             On Thursday afternoon, the faculty has been invited to a special forum by the Faculty Senate. The President and other leaders will be discussing the linked issues of clinical productivity and financial performance with the faculty. This …

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Findings of the Administrative Organizational Review Committee By Leonard Zwelling March 27, 2013             How’s that for a title?             Well, it’s spring and we need some renewal and rebirth. The Easter bunny is coming on Sunday, the Passover matzos were eaten last night and then there are eggs, admittedly more colorful for the Christians …

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A Letter From the Front Lines                  March 21, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling “One must question the employer-employee relationship of the medical staff and the hospital administration. What will happen to the already fragile balance between quality patient care, the fair treatment of the medical staff and hospital profit? Will your average hospital administrator or …

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Thinking Small               March 20, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling                 At the Faculty Senate meeting last evening, a new chair-elect was named. He is Gary Whitman of Diagnostic Imaging. I do not know him myself, but his videotaped address before the voting was extremely polished and well considered. It was highlighted by his simple, succinct message: …

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