Leonard Zwelling

Dr. Zwelling is a board-certified internist and medical oncologist. He was trained at Duke University, Duke Medical School and Duke Hospital after which he completed his oncology training at the National Cancer Institute. He started his research career at NCI and in 1984 moved to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center where he rose to the rank of Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology. He returned to business school at the University of Houston, graduating in 1993. He then gravitated to research administration.

And The Beat Goes On:                 May 7, 2013 http://www.thestreet.mobi/story/11914855/1/fire-aveos-ceo-for-incompetence-and-arrogance-rivaling-imclones-sam-waksal.html?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO

Sold a Bill of Goods                   May 6, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             I love my American Express card. Why? Because the company that backs that card provides first-class service when things go wrong. If you book a trip with them, they help if you are short of cash or lose your luggage in a foreign …

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Misinformation May 4, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling Do you read the daily External Communications email? I do, every day. It focuses attention on mentions of MD Anderson in the print media for the most part. The one May 2 was a true microcosm of the world of competing forces in which we live and which …

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From Eric Berger of Houston Chronicle.                      May 3, 2013 File under “thank sir, may I have another!” http://blog.chron.com/sciguy/2013/05/fda-disagrees-with-m-d-anderson-leaders-glowing-comments-about-his-drug

FDA Decision of Interest to MD Anderson Faculty                      May 2, 2013 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/02/us-aveo-advisorypanel-idUSBRE9410V020130502   http://finance.yahoo.com/mb/AVEO/

MUST READ!!!!!!!                     May 2, 12013 http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/28/magazine/our-feel-good-war-on-breast-cancer.html?ref=magazine&_r=0 Why we struggle!

The Grace of Houston                        May 1, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             My wife, Dr. Kleinerman, and I have attended large charity banquets in at least three separate locations, Washington, DC, New York City and Houston, Texas. The difference in the customs that seem to be guiding these affairs was striking. The difference may serve …

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Accountable Care Will Depend Upon Accountable Patients            April 28, 2013 By  Leonard Zwelling             The New York Times headline sums up a philosophy of health care that seems counterintuitive., especially given the push here at Anderson to increase patient encounters. “A Health Provider Finds Success In Keeping Hospital Beds Empty”. The article by Annie Lowrey …

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Accountable Care Will Depend Upon Accountable Patients            April 29, 2013 By  Leonard Zwelling             The New York Times headline sums up a philosophy of health care that seems counterintuitive., especially given the push here at Anderson to increase patient encounters. “A Health Provider Finds Success In Keeping Hospital Beds Empty”. The article by Annie Lowrey …

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