Why I Am Voting For Harris-Walz And Why I Wish I Didn’t Have To

Why I Am Voting For Harris-Walz And Why I Wish I Didn’t Have To


Leonard Zwelling

While Vice President Harris and her running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz came across as sincere and pleasant enough in their interview on CNN on Thursday August 29 with Dana Bash, there was little substantive information conveyed by the Democrats in terms of policy distinctions between themselves and the Republicans.

It is time for Ms. Harris to tell us:

  1. How she will lower the prices of groceries and gas.
  2. How she will control the flow of illegal immigration from the southern border.
  3. How she will lower the price of housing.
  4. How she will do something different than the Biden Administration to end the wars in Gaza and the Ukraine.
  5. What her are plans to keep the Chinese from invading Taiwan.

Until she does this, she has given no one a substantive reason to vote FOR her. I am not voting for her as of yet. I’m voting AGAINST Donald Trump.

In several rounds of email exchanges, I have tried to explain to friends why, despite Harris’ lack of experience, accomplishment, or plans, I am still voting for her. It has nothing to do with her. I just believe that a convicted felon, insurrectionist, liar, womanizer, and all-around bad dude should not be President of the United States. Furthermore, the claims by my friends that the economy was better under Trump may be true, but that was not of his doing and after Covid is of little relevance.

We are in a new world since 2016. Is it demonstrably worse than the pre-Covid world? I believe that it is. I think the work-from-home movement is a disaster for both commercial real estate and interpersonal interactions.  I believe that any society that can reward young people for being “social influencers” has got some serious thinking to do about what is and is not important let alone what is or is not work. We are growing ever more disconnected and a lot of the enmity that so characterizes our politics is thanks to Mr. Trump.

There is little doubt in my mind that if Ms. Harris is declared the winner of the November election, Mr. Trump’s followers will try to overturn her victory both in court and on the streets. I sincerely hope the federal and state governments are prepared for social upheaval should Mr. Trump lose. He and his followers cannot be allowed to disrupt the proper processes of democracy although, should he lose, they will try.

It is this attitude by Trump and his minions that I find so repulsive and this precludes my voting for him and Mr. Vance even as I would vote for almost any other Republican who ran this time.

Mr. Trump’s time in national politics will be looked upon as a low point of the American experiment in the history books. He’s a bully, a cheat, and, as we all know, a liar. If he wins fair and square, so be it. I will not help him along even as I view his opponent as seriously lacking.

I have no great confidence in Kamala Harris. She has done little to earn this shot at the top, but as I have recently written the most qualified do not always triumph.

If she surrounds herself with good people and listens to their advice, she might be able to pull this off—keep us out of war and the economy growing. What I am sure of is that the policies Mr. Trump proposes will worsen the economy, cuddle up to Russia, and leave our allies with a fear of no confidence in the backing of the US. That is unacceptable.

I’ll vote for Harris-Walz. I hope in the next few weeks they give me a good reason to do so. Mr. Trump has given me many reasons not to vote for him.

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