July 2019

The Race For President 2020

The Race For President 2020 By Leonard Zwelling https://www.wsj.com/articles/public-option-kills-private-insurance-11563309118?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=1 The Republican strategy for pursuing the re-election of Donald Trump is being formulated by Donald Trump himself. It’s pretty much the one Richard Nixon used to win in 1972. First, any real American supports Nixon. Second, a real American does not criticize the United States even …

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The Re-emergence Of Racism In Politics And Academia And How It Has Been Met With Silence

The Re-emergence Of Racism In Politics And Academia And How It Has Been Met With Silence By Leonard Zwelling And you thought it couldn’t get any worse. Ha! Now President Trump has singled out four liberal, freshman Congresswoman of color for ridicule in his latest Tweet storm telling them to go back to the countries …

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Fear: Trumping Stupidity As The Most Powerful Force In The Universe

Fear: Trumping Stupidity As The Most Powerful Force In The Universe By Leonard Zwelling According to the Internet, Roland Barthes first said “stupidity is the most powerful force in the universe.” I must admit I had come to believe this to be the case as so much of what moves populations and the fate of …

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