June 2019


Delays By Leonard Zwelling The most common faculty complaint I heard as a vice president was, “you didn’t ask me; you didn’t tell me.” I think this is fair. In a country that used to be a democracy, most people still want a say in what happens to them and the relevant information when things

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Why The Chinese Faculty Firing (And Not Firing) Issue Is So Important

Why The Chinese Faculty Firing (And Not Firing) Issue Is So Important By Leonard Zwelling It has been one of the most interesting episodes in my 35 years of watching (and participating in) interesting episodes at MD Anderson. I cannot remember any instances of group firings other than the Jewish group of a few years

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Wondrous Elasticity: The Bottomless Pit That Is Doctors’ Good Will And How Administrators Are Exploiting It

Wondrous Elasticity: The Bottomless Pit That Is Doctors’ Good Will And How Administrators Are Exploiting It By Leonard Zwelling When two doctors who I respect immensely both refer me to the same op-ed piece in The New York Times, you know it has got to be important. This happened over the weekend of June 10

Wondrous Elasticity: The Bottomless Pit That Is Doctors’ Good Will And How Administrators Are Exploiting It Read More »

The Case Of The Fifth Chinese Faculty Member: Only A Flesh Wound

The Case Of The Fifth Chinese Faculty Member: Only A Flesh Wound By Leonard Zwelling https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/MD-Anderson-finds-fifth-NIH-rule-violation-case-13905340.php Apparently, whatever the three MD Anderson Chinese scientists who were fired or quit did, the fifth one investigated did not do that. It would be nice to know what the three did and the fifth didn’t (and where’s the

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