Three Quarters Of A Million Page Views

Three Quarters Of A
Million Page Views


Leonard Zwelling

         It is hard for me to believe that the blog has reached this
level, but it has. Since its inception about three years ago, we have had over
750,000 page views on That’s a landmark, I think.

         For those of you who have been following along since the
beginning, I cannot thank you enough.

         For those who have only recently found the blog, welcome and
keep reading.

         My intention is to keep writing the blog three times a week
no matter where I am or what I am doing barring any further battles at St.
Luke’s or Methodist.

         My goals are simple.

         First, I am trying to express my opinion about what I see as
an irrational world that is not without its glorious moments or even more
glorious actors. I understand that our current political tableau is not one of
much glory, but there are other walks of American life in which real people are
doing really elegant and superb things and I will try to find them, whether in
my own experience, or in the newspapers and magazines that I encounter. I
will always try to give you the links when I can and the hope when I see it.
This is the therapeutic part of my blogging.

         The second is historical. It’s my excuse for a diary and
keeps me churning at writing down what I see and what I experience as it
applies to my inner life. For those who know me, you know that I share these
things sparingly in real time, but this gives me the time and space to do that
without paying a shrink. Very economical.

         I hope you will keep reading and tell your friends and your
enemies as well. Pass it all around. Email links at will. Send me emails of
criticism as well to
I really do love those comments that you write when you do or emails you send
to me. That’s the most fun for me.

         Keep those cards and letters coming and ask your parents
what a card or a letter is.



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