July 10, 2013

All: This did make me laugh.  It was sent to me from a great distance by a fellow blogger.  Please read very carefully. http://bernicegeller.blogspot.com/ LZ

Two Strategies

Two Strategies: Is Either Any Good? By Leonard Zwelling             The following appeared on the External Communications daily list of articles that mention MD Anderson. http://www.healio.com/hematology-oncology/practice-management/news/online/%7BDAB95034-47A6-441C-AC17-D5E9E565302D%7D/Collaboration-essential-to-rapid-transfer-of-knowledge-from-trial-to-clinical-practice             If I understood the article, it described how our former President John Mendelsohn continues to lead the world in the exploration of ways to chop up tumors in …

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