July 2013


Abortion Rights, Voting Rights, Privacy Rights and Health Care Rights: What About YOUR Rights? By Leonard Zwelling             In Texas, as you all know, we have just been through a filibuster in the Senate that led to a second extra session and final passage of a bill that will restrict Texas women’s rights to receive

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Not Again!—The Monthly Financial Report; Are We in the Wrong Business? By Leonard Zwelling             It’s mid-July so the June numbers are out and like the unemployment figures in the first year of the Obama Presidency, the news is not good. Once again we made less than was budgeted for and spent more. And you

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Jewish Holidays Start the Evening Before the Day. I was Born at 1 AM. Close enough to my Birthday and Medicare for this one

Why 100 K? By Leonard Zwelling             I have no idea.             Nothing in my experience has surprised me more than the response to this blog in the form of page views, emails, letters, calls and just conversations in the hall. I believe that we have made an impact. It was not the one I

Jewish Holidays Start the Evening Before the Day. I was Born at 1 AM. Close enough to my Birthday and Medicare for this one Read More »


My Mistake, Their Mistake By Leonard Zwelling             After another in what has become an interminable series of dull Faculty Senate meetings, I conversed with an old and trusted member of the clinical faculty. I listened carefully to the complaints I was hearing. What ran through my mind were two questions: what’s really being said

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Commitment: Why I Love “The Newsroom” and Hate “Hook-Ups” and Why A Still, Small Voice Ought to Be Heeded By Leonard Zwelling             I believe in something greater than myself. It is something I do not understand. I can’t touch it, taste it or see it, but I can feel it. It is always with

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