June 2013

(This one is for Genie) The Old Days By Leonard Zwelling             I am sure the younger faculty have had it up to here with old guys like me bitching about the way things are compared to the way things used to be. Those old folks, they are saying, they just can’t handle change.             …

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What’s the Plan? By Leonard Zwelling             From the very beginning of my days as an administrator here (1993) I have been asking that question. Does MD Anderson have a strategic plan? For the most part, this refers to clinical activity as that is the major driver of revenue, but it applies equally to the …

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At Least My Blog Might Help By Leonard Zwelling             Dr. Bogler is not happy with me. It seems that my writing about the recent spate of Presidential reversals of unanimous PTC decisions to renew tenure struck him as unfair and inaccurate. He may well be correct. I do not have access to the history …

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Fathers’ Day By Leonard Zwelling             My father died in 2000, but I never lost my Dad. He is with me every day. All of you who have lost a parent know that you can never really lose them for what they are is what they gave to you and that will stay with you, …

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Success By Leonard Zwelling             With the latest trend of having unanimously approved, peer-vetted faculty turned down for promotion and tenure by the President, it is safe to say that success at MD Anderson is being rapidly redefined. Previously, good performance as judged by grant funds, publications, clinical care, service and teaching was sufficient for …

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50,000 By Leonard Zwelling             This is a simple heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who have read any of the postings on the blog.             Today we have surpassed 50,000 pageviews since our beginnings in March. I guess this internet thing is here to stay.             I hope I have helped …

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“Least Untruthful” By Leonard Zwelling             By now, the whole world is aware that the National Security Agency of the United States was collecting information on American citizens within the boundaries of the country. Much of this newfound awareness is due to the leaks to the press from Edward Snowden, an NSA contract worker who …

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Can Outcomes Become Income? By Leonard Zwelling             I hope that you received the same gift I did on Friday, May 31. It was a book edited by Drs. Rodriguez, Walters and Burke entitled “60 Years of Survival Outcomes at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center”. It is a disease-by-disease compilation of the …

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Snowden By Leonard Zwelling             Even Joseph Heller would love the irony.             An ex-CIA contract worker, a 29 year old computer technician, is the leak behind the continuing revelations about the extent of the secret surveillance program run by the US government and its many contracted partners. His name is Edward Snowden.             Before …

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Promotion and Tenure in the Kingdom     June 10, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             Another day and another call about a tenure problem. I am really not sure why I get these calls especially given that my own tenure is not to be renewed, but nonetheless another horror story.             This time, a mid-career …

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