June 7, 2013

The Bullying Pulpit   June 7, 2013 By Leonard Zwelling             Kevin Grigsby’s presentation in Hickey at noon on June 6 was excellent. Dr. Grigsby, a social worker by training, works for the AAMC running Leadership Development and Talent Management. Some of us on the Faculty Senate’s Anti-Bullying Task Force had the pleasure of meeting …

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A few Interesting News Items for you: The first needs no explanation: http://www.thestreet.mobi/story/11942355/1/aveo-fires-140-workers-as-punishment-for-ceos-incompetence.html?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO The second shows why one institution cannot take on genomic sequencing on its own: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/06/health/global-partners-agree-on-sharing-trove-of-genetic-data.html?ref=science&_r=0 Finally, thanks to all who have written or come up to me in person and offered your encouragement.  It really, really matters!   Len Z